LEVELS 311-391


Location: Derelict boneship, planet LV-426


For a PRINT-ME version of these Boneship Notes only (black text on white background) CLICK HERE.

You are now entering the derelict boneship, and these levels are much more different than those of the previous 2 stages of the game. There are numerous places where walking up to an invisible door will cause it to simply dematerialize, revealing the room behind. In addition, there are opaque "walls" and semi-translucent veils that you can simply walk through with no need for explosives to open them. While there are lots of walls that will require seismic charges or grenades (or the smartgun) to access, the detailed organic look within the boneship can make them even more difficult to spot, increasing the value of your motion tracker and map.

You will also be traversing the PILOT'S CHAMBERS (Levels 321, 322, 323, 324, and 325) a total of 5 times. There are 8 pairs of opposite-facing alcoves within the PILOT'S CHAMBERS, and you will begin and end these 5 levels through different entrance and exit alcoves each time. In each case, you will re-enter each PILOT'S CHAMBERS level at the paired alcove directly opposite the last one you exited from. The exit in each of these levels will usually be approximately halfway around the circular level from the entrance alcove, sometimes closer, but you will need to make at least 1 full circuit of each level in order to kill all of the enemies. There will usually be only 1 or 2 kinds of aliens each time you traverse these levels; the fifth level will be a hazardous and hard-to-survive exception. On all the PILOT levels there are aliens that do not materialize until your second circuit through that part of the level, and 3 levels contain powerups that do not appear until your second pass. There are also multiple sites where aliens will materialize near your location the instant you reach a certain point or touch a specific powerup. In some cases you can actually watch the enemy materialize if you look in the right direction when you touch the triggering site or powerup. On the HARD difficulty setting, you will not be able to avoid reactivating any of the expired aliens you pass unless you accurately use a grenade or seismic charge during the initial encounter. For consistency and ease of description, all the walk-throughs deal with these levels in a CLOCKWISE DIRECTION, and the 8 paired alcoves are NUMBERED FROM WHERE YOU START in each level. Tough it out, and in the end you will be rewarded with a just-too-nifty look at the space jockey itself on your final pass through these chambers.

Individual PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGHS and PRINT-ME MAPS for single levels are available below at the walk-throughs themselves.

34 391 QUEEN'S LAIR [3] SECTION 3 -- LEVEL 13


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) You start the fist level of this third and final part of the game in a room with 3 passages leading from it. First shoot the 6 alien canisters--each yields a single derm patch.
(2) Now you want to take the left corridor first. Keep a sharp eye on your motion tracker as you approach the apparent end: it is an invisible wall, the first of many, that you (and the aliens) can simply walk through. Lure the 3 adult dog aliens behind the wall out 1 at a time. Since there are a lot of shotshells available in the immediate area, stick with this weapon. Seven direct hits will do the trick. Now enter the room and grab the 2 shotshells; although you probably have no use for them, there also happen to be a pair of clips lying here too. Blow open the 4 alien canisters for derm patches.
(3) Backtrack to the starting room and, if you need them, grab the 2 shotshells in the middle corridor but go no farther. Now take the right corridor. In this long "tunnel" you will first encounter a trio of adult dogs and then a pair. Along this route are also a shotshell and a med kit. Proceed past the first junction, marked by a curtainlike veil and a clip, and move toward the end of this tunnel. At the wall you will come to is a lift with a med kit on it. DO NOT go down the lift or the consequences will be dire! Instead, tiptoe up to the edge of the lift to activate it and make it go down, WITHOUT you on it. This takes some practice, but will save you from having to do a lot of backtracking and a lot of re-killing of enemies later.
(4) Now return to the unexplored junction you left behind earlier and enter it. Shoot the alien handler that attacks from your left and proceed right. Grab the shotgun shell; there is a derm patch lying next to it. This derm patch, along with the next 4 you'll find, are special 10-up patches that will give you a 50-point total health boost! You will meet up with a single alien handler and then kill a pair at another junction on your right, but continue to your left momentarily. There is 1 more alien handler to kill and, if you didn't grab the 2 shotshells in the middle corridor of the starting room before, you have the opportunity to do so now.
(5) Enter the junction you just passed up and stay right. You will find a derm patch near one corner and in the next lie another patch and a clip.
(6) Stay right at the junction you will come to and kill the alien handler in front of you. To your right, halfway up this segment of the corridor, is a room hidden behind another invisible wall. Enter to grab the body armor and activate the alien switch within. Exit and continue; another handler waits in front of a lift just ahead. Kill him and then make a full circuit of this corridor to grab a single derm patch.
(7) Back at the lift you will find another derm patch. The lift will drop when you step onto it. Stay to the back of the lift and only the adult dog alien directly ahead of you attacks. Pulse rifle or shotgun him and then take care of the dog on the right. There are 2 derm patches here as well.
(8) Head to the right until you come to a secret room behind a pulse rifle magazine and an invisible wall. Dispatch the adult dog that emerges and activate the switch; there is also a med kit inside.
(9) DO NOT proceed forward--instead, go back to the lift you came down on and now proceed to the left. You will find another derm patch and, beyond it, another adult dog. As you continue, another dog exits a secret room on your left and attacks. Kill him and then grab the night vision goggles, but IGNORE the switch inside. Grab the derm patch in the corner ahead and deal with another dog in this area.
(10) Now select the smartgun and proceed forward cautiously. You will pass a lift on your left; what you want to do is dash forward to a room with 5 adult dogs inside behind a transparent veil. The trick is to go far enough forward so that all the aliens come after you and into the effective path of the smartgun, but not so near that the closer dogs can flank you. It will take some practice to learn how broad an angle this weapon can effectively cover. Once there are only 1 or 2 dogs left running around, you can save some smartgun ammo by switching to the pulse rifle or shotgun to finish mopping up. You can now enter the room for a look around; at the far wall is the lift you dropped earlier with the med kit on it. This is where you would have ended up (with a lot less room to maneuver) if you had ridden the lift down earlier rather than merely activating it. Ignore the lift and continue out this room and left. There is a single derm patch down here you don't want to miss.
(11) Now reverse your route and step onto the lift you passed earlier (NOT the lift in the room with the 5 dogs). You will drop down into the last corridor of this level. Stay to your left. Grab the shotshell, kill the adult dog alien, grab the pulse rifle magazine if you need it now. If not, you'll be coming back this way in a moment and you will want to save it until then. Up ahead is a pair of adult dogs guarding a single shotshell. Beyond them are a single dog, a flame thrower, and 1 more shotgun shell. As soon as you touch that shotshell, another adult dog comes after you. Lead him back to the last dog you killed and dispatch him there so he is not a problem in the near future. At this point, reverse your route and backtrack all the way to the lift. The reason? You are approaching the lift to the exit room. Walk on it and down you go, with no chance to finish exploring the rest of this corridor or killing the remaining enemies. You may have to kill some revived enemies along the way. At the lift, this time stay to the right. Before reaching the exit lift, you will find a shotshell, shotgun, and 3 adult dogs.
(12) You are now ready to exit. Locate the lift by the lines on the floor of the corridor and walk onto it. This lift is almost "fussy" in the sense that you must step on just the right spot to activate it. Keep walking around on it until it drops. At the bottom is another special 10-up derm patch and, just behind it, a wall that disappears to reveal the exit when you approach it. One level closer to the final queen!


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) Enter the first circular PILOT'S CHAMBERS, watching for the 2 facehuggers that will beset you the moment you move out. Use the pulse rifle or shotgun, since those are the 2 ammo types to be found on this level. Grab the 2 derm patches immediately ahead and on your right and begin working your way forward in a clockwise direction.
(2) Near the next pair of alcoves are 5 more patches and 1 'hugger.
(3) Move on to alcove pair 3 for another 2 derm patches, and watch out for the facehugger that attacks here. Now be careful! The left alcove here hides a secret room containing 3 facehuggers (as well as acid boots and a med kit). The trick is to avoid them PLUS the 4 newcomers (more 'huggers) that materialize directly behind you the instant the door fades. This is one exceptional situation where you may want to use the smartgun on smaller enemies. With it in hand, approach the left alcove. As soon as the secret doorway begins disappearing, fire at the 'huggers behind it. Ideally you want to eliminate all 3 of them in 2 rapid volleys. This done, dart forward to don the acid boots and pivot to face the corridor. If you have a second or so to spare you can switch to the pulse rifle to deal with the 4 remaining facehuggers, but be quick because 1 of them often tries to leave the area.
(4) Having survived this onslaught, move forward to alcoves 4. The right recess is the exit chamber, holding 2 shotshells and a med kit; you can reveal it, but do not exit yet. The left alcove houses a pulse rifle magazine and another med kit. If your pulse rifle is near to capacity, don't grab this powerup yet. If you need the ammo, take it, but as soon as you do so 3 facehuggers will appear in the main corridor; kill them and move on.
(5) There is nothing at the next pair of recesses, but in alcoves 6 the left-hander houses a med kit. Back into it so that you are ready to deal with the 4 facehuggers that appear when you get near it.
(6) Kill them and continue forward all the way back to where you started this level, grabbing a single shotshell and derm patch en route.
(7) Back at alcoves 1, you will meet some old friends plus 1 newly-materialized facehugger. Same story at alcoves 2, but with 2 new 'huggers to deal with. Continue killing revived facehuggers until you arrive at the exit on your right in alcoves 4. Don't forget to grab the pulse rifle magazine (and kill the 3 facehuggers that come with it) if you left it behind earlier.
(8) Now exit, being sure to grab both shotshells and the med kit (if needed) in the brief second you have to move around in the exit chamber before the level actually ends.


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP (PART A and PART B) for this level.

(1) This is one of the hardest levels to complete safely. There are numerous areas with a large potential for causing serious damage, and several additional locations where the probability of being facehugged is quite high. At the very start of the level you can kill the first enemy without even leaving the entrance chamber: turn left slightly and grenade the frozen alien handler standing in the distance. For some reason, this individual enemy occasionally survives a direct grenade hit. While the alien handlers are without question the deadliest of the human enemies, they are not really much of a threat. On this level, however, it will be easiest to simply grenade most of them to prevent their constant annoying return. As you move out, you will see a second alien handler across the acid canal and to the right; grenade this one also.
(2) Now stay left and round a corner, ready to deal with another handler waiting here. Dispatch him (he coughs up a pulse rifle magazine) and open the first secret area by lobbing a seismic charge at the wall to your left just past this corner. If you are quick you can switch to the pulse rifle while the charge is still in the air and be ready to deal with the 2 facehuggers that immediately emerge. As soon as you can safely enter this new hallway, 2 adult dog aliens emerge from a recess in the right side of the wall. Pulse rifle them and enter the recess they were hiding in for a flame thrower. Now throw another seismic charge at the end of this short hallway to reveal a hidden room containing a switch and acid boots. Activate the switch but leave the boots for the moment. Now turn and move forward slightly to activate 2 new adult dogs that just materialized in the flame thrower recess--you know what to do.
(3) Now switch to the smartgun and prepare to move quickly. The best strategy is to BACK into the acid boots you just found and then dart forward out of the secret area. Stay along the wall on your left until an acid canal blocks your forward progress. Pause here for a second (you are trying to get as many facehuggers as possible within the acid canal to follow you) and run to your right until you reach a ramp heading left down into this canal. The following 'huggers should be ganging up at the bottom of the ramp. Aim down with the smartgun and eliminate these facehuggers with 1 to 2 bursts. (Keep your eyes open for a lone facehugger that may attack from the unexplored walkway ahead and to your right at about this time.) Now switch to the pulse rifle and wade on in. Run to the end of this canal for body armor and 2 med kits, watching for any 'huggers that may not have followed you to the ramp (there are 5 'huggers in all). (Be careful in the canals as any facehuggers down there are hard to see due to the turbidity of the acid, forcing you to rely heavily on your motion tracker.) Do an about face and go up the ramp to exit the acid. The ramps are slippery and getting up them without overshooting (and landing in another acid canal) when you reach the top can be tricky. The surest tactic seems to be to hold the RUN button down continually until you are very near the top of the ramp, and then switch to TAPPING the RUN button. The second you are off the ramp, stop yourself short with a REVERSE tap on the controller. If you are quick, your acid boots won't run out until after you are on the ramp and out of the acid. Another alien handler will be on the scene by now, firing at you while you are trying to concentrate on making it up the ramp safely. Turn to your left and grenade him and continue ahead.
(4) You will reach a T-crossing shortly; go right. Activate the switch you dead-end at and look right to see a lift moving up into place to fill a gap in the walkway across the canal from you. Now wait here a few more seconds for another alien handler to come walking toward you on the walkway to the left of the lift you just activated; grenade him. Go back to the T-junction.
(5) If you are absolutely desperate for shotshells, there are 3 in the acid canal below. Face the T-crossing the way you originally approached it. Drop off the walkway into the right corner formed by the top of the T: there is 1 shotshell here as well as the acid boots that will keep you from getting scalded while you grab the other 2 shotshells and make your exit. Stay right (to the bottom of the T) for another shotshell and then do an about-face. Stay left past the T-crossing until you are to the right of the switch you just activated for another shotshell. Quickly eliminate the alien handler wading around in this area. Now to get out: do a second about-face and stay left--straight ahead and around the corner brings you to a ramp. If you went for the shotshells (I recommend against it due to the potential for serious acid damage and the presence of multiple facehuggers), you will run through this next part of the level in reverse; there is one area where a lift will still be down but you CAN cross where the 2 corners of the walkway meet.
(6) Assuming you let the shotshells lie, return to the T-crossing and go straight ahead (this would have been to the left when you originally arrived at the junction). Stay to your right until you encounter an alien handler below you in the acid canal to your right (you will have a wall to your left again).
[BUG! Part of the walkway here drops down later on in the game to allow you access to the second half of this level. If you stand near the wall by this lift, an adult dog on the other side of the wall may hit you THROUGH the wall and actually cause damage. This is particularly unusual because the adult dog is actually 1 story below you when you enter this part of the level.] Switch to the shotgun so that you can more accurately aim a seismic charge down at the alien handler when he approaches; the easiest location to fire from is the portion of the walkway that allows you to look straight down the section of canal the handler is wandering, although you may have to wait for the enemy to come within range of the charge. This done, you will want to deal with some facehuggers running around in this same area: standing with your back near the edge of the walkway behind you, aim down with the pulse rifle (or smartgun, if you think you can spare the ammunition) and shoot into the acid at the 'huggers moving back and forth within the canal. You may have to position yourself to face the other "leg" of this L-shaped portion of the canal (and even dash from one end to the other to put some distance between you and the facehuggers), to eliminate both 'huggers here.
(7) This done, you can continue ahead along the unexplored portion of the walkway. Stay right to a third switch (you will kill an alien handler off to your left en route) and activate it; rotate left to see a facehugger running off the lift you just raised and come for you across the walkway. Kill it. Two more facehuggers will have arrived by now down in the acid where the wading alien handler was. Repeat the sniping tactics you used to kill the previous pair of 'huggers in this same area.
(8) Now move forward to the unexplored portion of the walkway ahead. Just past the lift you just activated, you will arrive at another ramp leading down into the acid. There are 2 perilous secret areas to be explored here, but before taking a dip, grenade all of the 5 alien handlers here (each standing in his own small alcove against the wall). Several will cough up a pulse rifle magazine upon expiring, but only 2 magazines--from the first and fifth handlers--usually fall within grabbing range. The other magazines almost always fall uselessly on the platforms next to the expiring alien handlers. And NO, there is no way to get up there! (Take special note of the locations of the first 2 handler-containing alcoves. Also take note of the small, rectangular acid pool in front of the fifth alien handler, as you will be entering it shortly.) Beware, as 1 or 2 'huggers may attack you on the walkway (often from behind) while you are accomplishing this.
(9) Foes vanquished, return to the ramp. Select the flame thrower, run down into the acid, and immediately dart into the recess on your right which contains desperately-needed acid boots. Now rotate to face the wall directly under the alcove the first of the 5 alien handlers was in. Run up to the wall and a lift lowers to reveal a secret room. Four facehuggers are inside, and you will need to dart partway into the room to lure them out. You may end up raising and lowering this lift several times (by dashing in and out of this room) before all 4 'huggers emerge. Be careful as the probability of being 'hugged is quite high here. A pair of night vision goggles--pretty useless on this particular level--are on the lift, as well as the expired alien handler's pulse rifle magazine (if it landed just right). Enter the room itself and grab the hypo pack on the left. You now have an additional 30 seconds of protection to explore the next secret. If the lift rises (blocking your exit) while you are in this room, move back to where the hypo pack was to reactivate it.
(10) Run back out into the acid canal and lower another lift located under the second alien handler alcove in exactly the same manner. This secret room also holds 4 'huggers; draw them out to kill them (exactly as you did at the previous secret room) or take your chances by moving directly inside and turning right to meet the threat. Often, the fourth facehugger stays put and tries to ambush you when you enter. Beware, as this is another place where the probability of getting hugged is quite high. Having killed the aliens, grab the pulse rifle and (if needed) the med kit. If this lift rises, trapping you inside the secret room before you can exit, just move back to where the pulse rifle was to reactivate it.
(11) Now make a hasty retreat out into the canal and back up the ramp. Watch out for stray 'huggers wandering the canal in addition to the 8 you will kill in these 2 small rooms. If you were quick, the combined acid boots and hypo pack have protected you long enough to exit safely. Low on armor by now? You're in luck. After getting up the slippery ramp, move straight forward and drop into the small acid pool directly ahead. Stay RIGHT as you drop into this area (an acid vest is on the left, and if you already have some armor left you will want to grab the vest on your way OUT of the acid rather than on your way in). Stay forward and turn 180 degrees. You will see the vest, as well as a lift here (the same one you raised by activating that third switch) which just dropped down to let you back up. Run onto the lift (nabbing the vest on the way) and it will raise you back up to the walkway and out of the acid.
(12) Now move to the even smaller acid pool in front of that fifth alien handler alcove that you noted earlier (this was the only other alien handler whose pulse rifle magazine may have landed close enough for you to grab it). Below are a grenade and a very determined facehugger, but you have one quick chore to complete first. Go ahead just a little farther to another ramp. Aim down and wait a moment for any nearby 'huggers to come up it after you. You may have to run partway down the ramp (stay out of the acid!) to draw any nearby facehuggers to you. These distractions eliminated (there will usually be between 1 and 3 'huggers), return to the small acid pool. Turn so that the fifth alien handler's alcove is directly behind you. Choose the flame thrower and BACK off the edge into the acid without slowing while in RUN mode. You will pick up the grenade and see the facehugger in front of you and coming fast. Kill it and run onto the section of walkway that dropped down as soon as you stepped off it. Don't overshoot or it will rise behind you and trap you outside this small area and in one of the main canals. The other mistake to avoid is not being quick enough and having the lift rise before you can get onto it. If this happens, back up again to lower the lift and then run onto it without slowing down or stopping until you are directly on it.
(13) Once you are back safely on the walkway, prepare to enter the second half of this level. DO NOT go down the stairs past that last ramp or you will be stuck at the exit area with no way to explore the rest of the level. This gives you only 23% for SECRETS and you may restart at the beginning of this level when you go into the exit chamber. Instead, backtrack to the rectangular acid pool where you found the acid vest. Stopping just short of the lift that allowed you back up out of this pool, turn left to look into a small cul-de-sac of the acid canal. You should see a switch in the acid at the FAR end of the cul-de-sac. Opposite the switch (and directly below and in front of where you should be standing) is a pair of boots in the acid. You want to drop directly onto the boots to avoid any acid damage and run straight to this switch. Prepare to run like crazy. Activate the switch, turn so that the switch is immediately to your right, and stay to your right around this L-shaped portion of walkway. At the top of the L where the canal ends a lift to your left will be down (this is also where you encountered that alien handler wading in the acid), and you need to go through as rapidly as possible. This is the fastest dash in the entire game! On your way there, an adult dog alien may emerge from this new area and have to be eliminated before you can enter: use a grenade and avoid slowing down if at all possible. Facehuggers roving the canal can also slow or stop you, and if any are revived in the immediate area, you may wish to eliminate them with the pulse rifle or smart gun before dropping off the walkway into the acid. If you are too slow and miss the lift, you will have to backtrack to the switch, activate it, and make another mad dash for the opening.
(14) Once inside, slow down quick! You want to activate the 2 adult dog aliens directly ahead 1 at a time. The closest is to your left and will remain frozen if you approach cautiously; the second is directly in front of you across an acid pool. Occasionally, the adult dog that would otherwise have greeted you just outside in the acid canal may be waiting for you here instead. There is a pulse rifle magazine in the far right corner. As you move around, be careful to avoid the bluish acid puddles on the floor as they will cause damage. There are a lot of them, but by navigating carefully you can avoid nearly all of them. You will want to use a grenade (or seismic charge) on ALL enemies within the next portion of this level to prevent them from reviving later in the game. The reason is that you will be returning to all the acid pools within this part of the level to grab the powerups within them; there is only a single pair of acid boots in this area, and time will be of the essence once you don them. Even a single revived adult dog can slow you down enough to force you to navigate 1 or 2 acid pools after your boots run out.
(15) There are 2 corridors exiting this room; take the right one. There will be 1 adult dog within the corridor itself and another inside the next room. This is an ideal area to use seismic charges in order to conserve your grenades. Switch to the shotgun for accurate aiming, and attempt to lure the dogs after you into the narrow corridors where you can launch a charge with a high probability of scoring a direct hit.
(16) Use the same technique to eliminate 3 dogs in the next room. This room, which is a bit larger than the last one, has 2 corridors entering and exiting it.
(17) You now want to backtrack by taking the corridor adjacent to the one you entered the room by. In the room ahead is a shotshell and, if you were NOT greeted by an adult dog just before (or after) finishing your mad dash to enter this part of the level, it is waiting here. Incidentally, if you continue back toward where you entered this area the corridor leading out of this room has a completely unavoidable acid puddle within it (another reason to enter this room from the direction you just did).
(18) Now head back to the larger room you just came from. Kill a single adult dog in the room at the end of the left unexplored corridor and then back up and go into the right corridor. On the way you will pass a shotshell and acid boots--leave the boots for later. In the room ahead is another shotshell and 2 adult dog aliens. You will need to react quickly to kill these aliens with seismic charges as this corridor is very short and leaves you less time to aim.
(19) Now move toward the single, wide corridor exiting this room. There are 2 adult dogs ahead, and killing them with seismic charges will be especially difficult because the wider corridor gives them more room to dodge.
(20) This feat accomplished, go back to the acid boots. You will need to explore all 6 acid pools in this area in order to score 100% for SECRETS. The acid boots barely last long enough. Back into them and then dash through the acid pool in this room for a grenade and pistol clip. Take the right corridor (of the pair to your left, leading back to where you entered this area) and stay left to 3 previously-explored rooms, each with an acid pool. Of these, the first pool holds a shotshell and clip, the next nothing, and the third a clip and grenade. You now end up in the room where you grabbed the acid boots. Move quickly forward to the right corridor to grab the grenade and med kit in the next pool, then backtrack into the acid boot room and take the left corridor to find a pair of clips in the final pool. Your boots very likely ran out before that last, painful dip!
(21) There is one more area to explore here before moving to the exit area of this level. Backtrack yet again to the acid boot room and take the right corridor that led you to that second-to-last acid pool. Go through the wide corridor to an unexplored area. Directly ahead is a switch. Activate it, turn around, and move to the wall on your left. When you stand in the right spot (directly in front of the closest of the 2 gray "beams" in the wall), the floor drops to reveal a small secret area at the far end of the lift. Within are 2 adult dogs and a 200-point adrenaline burst (if you've been doing well, you won't need it). You can pulse rifle these dogs as you will have a relatively easy opportunity to grenade them shortly.
(22) Now activate the switch in the secret room and stand in the same spot on the lift as you did to lower it; this time it will go back up.
(23) Now exit this room by entering a very long corridor at its far end. There will be 3 adult dog aliens of the ceiling-hanger variety in this area. Use the smartgun (you'll find more ammunition for it shortly) to dispatch them.
[For a neat trick, kill all 3 in the room at the end of this hallway--see below.] Because this is the highest you will have to aim to hit any enemy, you will need to keep your distance to be able to kill them. Move all the way to the end of the corridor; you will encounter the only absolutely unavoidable acid puddle in the entire game about halfway down. At the far end is an acid vest which you will very likely need by now (in spite of the body armor you found near the beginning of this level!). Do not drop off the ledge here into the exit area! Instead, wait until 2 or 3 adult dogs are drawn to you and kill them with the pulse rifle (you can try seismic charges, but they move too quickly for consistent success). Drawing the aliens to this location will make your entrance to this area (from a different direction) significantly easier later.
(24) Now backtrack. You will take another hit crossing that acid puddle. When you near the mouth of this corridor, switch to the shotgun (for aiming seismic charges) and revive the 2 dogs you pulse-rifled here earlier 1 at a time. Each presents an easy target when it follows you into the long, narrow corridor. Now stay right to end up by the very last acid pool you explored during your 30-second marathon with the acid boots. Drop off the ledge here to enter the last area of this level. Two adult dogs will immediately attack; smartgun them in their tracks if you feel you have sufficient ammo, since a smartgun magazine is dead ahead (keep the ammo rounding trick in mind). Cautiously move forward; another adult dog alien or 2 will attack from the left side of a very large acid pool in the room you are entering. Pulse rifle or smartgun them and approach the corridor that leads out of this large room. Beyond it are the 2 or 3 adult dogs you led out of this area earlier; they will be much easier to deal with now. Kill them as they re-enter this room. Before moving on, run across the middle of this large acid pool for the smartgun magazine (notice that the pool is narrower in one direction than the other--no sense wading any longer than necessary!). There are also 2 med kits in opposite-facing corners of this room.
(25) Now proceed into the very last part of the level. Beware as there are 3 facehuggers in the walls here that all seem to be extraordinarily good at 'hugging! As you turn left and move up the corridor, 1 is on your right and 1--perhaps the most dangerous--is on your left just past the exit chamber. There is a third 'hugger at the very end of the corridor here, too. (Look up these steps and you can see the area you were advised NOT to enter earlier at the risk of having to replay the level.)
[PSYCHEDELIC ALIEN HANDLER TRICK: The 3 ceiling-hangers you led to the acid vest area and killed earlier will be revived at the opposite end of this corridor as orange splotches on the floor. Shoot them (and even walk on them!) until all are re-killed. Up from each will pop a red/orange/blue alien handler! The 3 handlers make quite a spectacle, especially if they all walk in the same direction and stay relatively close to each other. I even once had one enter the exit chamber with me, although he didn't follow me into the next level!]
(26) Now you are ready to make your exit. If your health and ammunition levels are close to what they were when you entered, you have done quite well.


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) Ready to go 'round and 'round again? You are now back at the PILOT'S CHAMBERS. Move out, grab the derm patch to your right, and then continue clockwise.
(2) You will find another derm patch en route to alcoves 3. There is a single young dog in the left recess, and 2 flame thrower canisters plus a pair of derm patches in the immediate area.
(3) There is a single patch in alcoves 4, but beware as you grab it! Moving into that recess reveals a hidden room housing 2 young dogs; simultaneously, 4 more young dogs appear behind you. Your best hope is to use the smartgun to kill the 2 young dogs directly ahead and then dash into the secret room (grabbing the acid boots) and pivot to deal with the rest. At this point you will want to hang onto the smartgun rather than switch to the pulse rifle because 1 of the dogs will try to leave the area before you can kill it. In this room are also a med kit and 2 flamer canisters.
(4) The next alcoves house the exit on the right (4 young dogs are within) and a single young dog and a derm patch on the left. Don't reveal the exit door just yet or you will have to kill these 4 enemies all over again when you return later!
(5) A single young dog and 2 derm patches lie in wait near alcoves 6.
(6) At the next pair of alcoves you will be attacked by another young dog, but will find a derm patch and med kit. Touch another derm patch you find within the left recess and 1 young dog materializes in the main corridor; eliminate it.
(7) Moving past alcoves 8 (where you will encounter 3 young dog aliens and find 1 med kit and 1 derm patch) brings you back to where you started.
(8) Continue clockwise to deal with 2 freshly-materialized young dogs at alcoves 2. A single new young dog (plus the one you killed earlier) await you at the next pair of alcoves. Dispatch them. Now continue ahead to the exit, killing all revived enemies as you go as well as the 4 young dogs within the exit chamber that you left behind earlier. You can wax these last 4 young dogs in 1 shot if you are quick and use a grenade--make sure you aim down or it will pass right over their heads.
(9) Don't leave just yet, though! Move ahead to alcoves 6 to grab the newly-appeared grenade on the left (although this stubborn powerup, for reasons unknown, does not always materialize), and then make good your escape.


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) This is the level you've been saving all that smartgun ammunition for--the hardest in the game! If you finish without having your armor destroyed and some health depleted, you had a good run. You will be using primarily the smartgun in this level due to the large numbers in which the warriors will usually be encountered; even for singles and doubles, these warriors seem to dodge much better than any of their predecessors, making using the pulse rifle or shotgun (while at the same time escaping damage) possible but difficult. The level consists of a primary corridor with 7 rooms exiting off of it. Most of the "doors" leading to the rooms and secret areas on this level are walls that you can simply walk through. On the EASY and MEDIUM settings, you can exit with your ammunition levels in pretty good shape because there are plenty of powerups available and you have the luxury of backtracking to get them exactly when you need them. On HARD (for which this walkthrough is written), the risk of reviving entire hordes of enemies at one time limits your ability to explore the rooms to only slight variations of a straight-down-the-row order. Now for the level itself: enter and move forward to grenade a company synthetic that steps into the main corridor from a recess on your right, then deal similarly with 2 additional synthetics dead ahead. Back up to shoot the alien canisters in the first and third recesses on your left for a pair derm patches.
(2) Now face the second recess on your left. This canister contains nothing, but once removed allows access to the room directly ahead. Run forward into the open area of the room and back up rapidly, smartgun raised to deal with the 3 warriors that attack. Now face the left-hand alcove of this room. Approach the green veil (but don't enter!) to draw out 2 more warriors. Now enter this area. The green acid curtain will knock your armor down 5 points. However, if you dropped a warrior in the immediate vicinity, you will only take 1 point of damage if you run over the alien cadaver FIRST and then continue on through the acid curtain WHILE THE SCREEN IS STILL RED, indicating damage from the dead alien. Apparently, if you are already registering damage from the warrior's acid, the game does not detect the new, more potent acid encountered. The alien corpse does need to be pretty close to the curtain for this to work, however. Once through the curtain, rotate right and face a lone remaining warrior in this immediate area. Kill it and grab the powerups to be had: 4 derm patches, a shotgun, and night vision goggles. Now exit this alcove and go straight across the open part of the room into another, smaller alcove behind another acid curtain (use an alien cadaver for "protection" every time one is lying close enough to a curtain to make it possible). In this smaller area you will find a derm patch and pulse rifle magazine. Move through the acid curtain and turn right to arrive at the back of this room. Up here you will obtain 3 derm patches and some smartgun ammunition. As soon as you near this smartgun magazine, a new warrior materializes in the small alcove that held the pulse rifle magazine and derm patch. Move down toward the central open area of this room and deal with it; depending on your current ammo level, you may want to grab the smartgun magazine either before or after you kill this alien due to the rounding trick.
(3) Now exit this first room and turn left. You now want to enter the second recess on the right side of the primary corridor. This room boasts the densest population of warriors of any location in the entire game. Smartgun ready, run down to the bottom of the ramp into this room and then back up immediately. Since the smartgun bullets will go through the aliens to damage any enemies behind them, you want to draw as many aliens as possible into the line of fire at one time in order to conserve ammunition. The risk is in going too far forward and having a warrior sneak in behind you, thus blocking your retreat back up the ramp. This can prove fatal! Properly executed, this maneuver leaves you back at the top of the ramp looking down on a horde of disturbed warriors. Open fire immediately, concentrating on the warriors nearest you (and, therefore, most likely to reach you and inflict damage in spite of the smartgun barrage). On the EASY and MEDIUM difficulty settings, you can really see the "smart" bullets fly at all angles to take out the enemy--quite impressive! Having quelled the initial assault, proceed into this room carefully to deal with the 3 or 4 remaining warriors (assuming you did a good job of luring the rest of them out). There will be 10 in all. The carnage over, grab the 5 shotshells, pulse rifle magazine, smartgun magazine, and acid vest (a sight for sore eyes!).
(4) Now exit this room and stay left to what was the first recess on your right as you first started down the main hall. On the lift here that will take you down to this next room lie a pulse rifle magazine and a shotgun. Step on the lift and drop down. Beware, as between 1 and 3 of the 4 warriors in this room may have found their way to the lift and be waiting for you! The 2 warriors originally waiting on the ramp up to the main room here are unusually weak for some reason; only 4 shotgun blasts or 3 pulse rifle bursts will do one in. Kill them all and do the same to the fourth (and third, if you didn't meet it at the lift) warrior in the main room at the top of the ramp. En route you will find a pulse rifle magazine. In the main room ahead rests yet another pulse rifle magazine as well as 4 patches and 2 shotshells. Now face the long slide going down to your left. Choose the shotgun and let yourself slide down toward the end but, do NOT drop off! You want to lure 3 to 4 warriors to the bottom of the slide in front of you, using the shotgun to eliminate them. Be careful not to get so close that the warriors can hit you, and be aware that once in a while 1 or 2 of them will jump up on the slide to come after you! Wait until 2 are standing together at the bottom of the slide for a rare sight: you can see the shotgun inflicting damage upon 2 enemies at once. This can save ammunition, but increases the chances that a warrior will come up the slide after you. If you didn't need both shotshells in the room behind (and above) you, you can even shuffle your way back up to the room for them when this little operation is finished.
(5) This accomplished, drop down off the slide and into the next room to face right (although watch your motion tracker for a lone warrior that sometimes attacks from behind at this moment). [NOTE: In this particular room, very few enemies will be revived as you backtrack through these corridors, possibly because their large numbers in this very wide area would pose a near-impossible challenge. However, the warriors do not make their respective appearances in this room as consistently as in other areas of the game. I have provided the most common scenario here, but be constantly on the lookout for warriors in this room only to make sudden and unexpected appearances!]
(6) Move ahead. To your left just around the first corner is a secret room behind a wall you can walk through--a warrior comes out of it after you almost immediately. Beware, as 3 more warriors will come after you at this point from the surrounding corridors! Kill them first and then grab the med kit and smartgun magazine inside the room. Don't miss the infected human here, either--"Help me! Help me!" (or was that "Kill me! Kill me!"?). Make sure that you grab all ID tags that these poor fellows cough up upon expiring, as this is an important component of your mission.
[BUG! Allow a chestburster to emerge from any infected human in this convoluted room and instead you will observe one of several bugs. Nothing at all may exit the host. Or, nothing visible may emerge, but you can see a blip on your motion tracker; shoot it, and a warrior may pop up and then immediately expire. Then again, you might find that a bouncing greenish rectangle bursts out; when you shoot it, it may turn into a warrior fully capable of assaulting you! In addition, blood occasionally continues to spray out of some of these already-chestbursted humans if you continue to shoot them, even though they are already dead.]
(7) Continue out of this room (another warrior will attack at about this time) and stay left. Just around the next corner and to your left is a secret passageway leading back in a large circle toward the slide you came down. It is just opposite another infected human requiring elimination. Enter by walking through the correct "wall" (a warrior here will attempt to stop you shortly). You will also be moving through several more "walls" before you exit this particular corridor. Another warrior will materialize behind you and attack at this point. After killing it, continue ahead down the secret passage. You'll encounter a pulse rifle clip near an infected human and, just a few steps ahead, a wide area in the passageway. Here lie an acid vest, adrenaline burst, and seismic charge. Prepare to deal with yet another warrior as you leave this wide spot in the road. Before you exit this passageway and re-enter the main corridor of this "room," you will encounter 3 more infected humans as well as 3 more warriors that enter this area from out in the main hall.
(8) When you exit this elongated secret, stay left. Continue ahead and past the entrance to the secret passage. You will encounter 2 derm patches (1 is in a small hard-to-spot alcove in the wall to your right) and 4 humans--infected humans. You will eventually arrive at a corridor leading off to your right and up to a lift. This is your exit from here back into the main hall, but (trust me) you don't want to leave just yet. There is one final secret area you will want to explore first. Continue past the corridor leading to the lift and stay right. Shortly before you arrive back at the slide (where some revived warriors may be waiting) there will be a shorter secret passage on your right (there is a small alcove here) behind another walk-through wall. Within the room you dead-end at await the auto-map (the last you will see in the game), a derm patch, a smartgun magazine, and a smartgun to use it in. There is 1 final infected human here that needs to be eliminated, and he will occasionally cough up a pulse rifle magazine instead of the usual ID tag upon dying.
(9) NOW you are ready to leave. Head back to the lift; a warrior will attack at the precise moment you exit this final secret area. Beware as you drop the lift (by simply walking up to it) as any warriors in nearby rooms that detected your presence will be lying in wait for you here. The best tactic is to back up with the smartgun ready and lead these troublemakers OFF the lift and into the hallway before killing them. Trapped down here, they will not present a problem in the near future. You may have to repeat this process 1 or 2 more times as not all the warriors running around nearby will end up on the lift when it drops down. If there is a good-sized group congregated here, seismic charges can be very effective and also save smartgun ammunition.
(10) Now shoot the 4 alien canisters sitting on the lift for 2 derm patches and go up on the (hopefully) alien-free lift to re-enter the main corridor. Turn right and you will see 3 alien canisters on a lift directly ahead. Shoot the canisters for a single derm patch and step onto the lift. Up you go, and on your right you will find a derm patch and night vision goggles.
(11) By now the lift has probably gone back down. Drop off the edge onto it (it won't hurt) and this time move straight forward (this would have been to your left as you originally stepped onto the lift). Activate the night vision goggles and enter this darkened room. Hug the wall on your right and move forward around the edge of the room until you go past the first (far right) corner and have the central pillar to your immediate left. Walk along the line on the ground here leading to the pillar and peek around the right side of the pillar. In a small alcove directly ahead you will see a warrior. Grenade it (don't shoot too close to the pillar) and do the same to the second warrior directly behind the first. That's it for this room--enemies vanquished! Now grab the goods. There are 4 lifts here, 1 in each quarter of this room, that drop down when you step on them. (The reason for tiptoeing around the edge of the room is that the 2 warriors here like to attack when you are stuck down in the bottom of one of the lifts.) Clockwise from the door, the lifts contain a pulse rifle clip (there is an ID tag lying on the ground here also), a med kit and shotshell, a smartgun magazine and shotshell, and a seismic charge and derm patch. In the alcove the warriors were hiding in you will find a grenade and pulse rifle magazine.
(12) Exit this room, drop back down onto the lift, and stay left. There may be some revived warriors here depending on how well you dealt with the aliens on the lift in that last, corridor-filled room. On your right before you reach 4 alien canisters is another lift, this one with a single derm-patch-laden canister lying on it. A warrior will attack as soon as you approach; kill it (use the shotgun or pulse rifle if you're feeling quick today). Now activate your second pair of night vision goggles and step onto the lift to meet another warrior lying in wait below. After dispatching it, stick to the wall on your right (just as you did in the last room) until you are halfway along the far wall (there is a switch right here, but DON'T touch it yet!). Now rotate left 90 degrees to face the opposite wall. There is an alcove here with 2 warriors in it (also quite similar to the last room). Grenade both, enter, and grab the grenade and 2 med kits inside this small room. Activate the switch here to power up the lift so you can make your exit in a few minutes. Now backtrack to that switch you passed up a moment ago. You are probably curious about the 8 columns in this room. Each bears a warrior at the top. The switch lowers the columns in tandem, but you can deal with it. In the corner to your right (as you face the switch) lies a hypo pack (and ID card) that are blocked from you by one of the columns. As the columns drop, you will need to accurately grenade the warrior on this particular column and dart into the corner for the hypo pack. Be careful as this warrior will jump down off the column before it reaches ground level, making hitting it tricky. You will also have to dodge the warrior on the other column closest to this corner. Done right, you can grab the hypo pack unscathed and use the pulse rifle (for Heaven's sake, don't waste that smartgun ammo!) to casually eliminate the group of warriors that surrounds you a split second later. Your invulnerability will last just about long enough to pulse rifle all the warriors clustered around you. There will still be 1 or 2 more warriors left in the far part of the room after you have dealt with the main throng. Finish them off and grab the shotshell and pulse rifle magazine that also came down on the columns. Make sure you got that ID tag by the hypo pack and ride the lift back up to exit.
(13) Stay right, dealing with any revived warriors that may have leaked into the area. A company synthetic will start sniping at you here as well. Kill him ("it"?). Now shoot the 4 alien canisters and step onto the lift they are resting on. Enter the room below carefully and with the smartgun armed. Three warriors will probably attack immediately. Back up and smartgun them. One or 2 may get stuck down in the acid pools here, affording you the opportunity to use the pulse rifle and save some smartgun ammunition. However, these warriors may hop up out of the pools almost as quickly as they dropped in, so keep your distance. Also, be careful on this narrow walkway as it is quite easy to drop off into the acid pools yourself. Now move forward. There is a single grenade nearby, so if you are pretty close to the 20-grenade maximum use a couple on the warriors in the room directly ahead. There will either be 2 or 3, depending on whether 1 of the warriors that attacked when you first entered this room came from here or from an area to your right. Once they are dead, turn your attention to the unexplored walkway at a T-crossing you just passed. If you killed 3 warriors in that last part of the room, then only 2 warriors (the last in this level!) lie in wait ahead; otherwise, you will have 3 to deal with. If you can spare any more grenades, use them; if not, the smartgun is your safest bet. Attempt to draw them out 1 at a time, due to the narrow confines of the walkway between the acid pools here and the ease with which you can fall in. This accomplished, backtrack to the room with the 2 warriors you grenaded. Within lie 3 clips for the 9mm pistol (pretty much useless this deep into the game), a med kit, and a pair of acid boots. Don the boots last (by backing into them) and dart out into the acid pools. The small pool on your left holds nothing, while the far left pool contains a flame thrower. The large, continuous pool on your right holds a flame thrower canister and ID tag. Pay attention to where the single step leading in and out of each pool is, and be careful not to overshoot upon exiting and land in another pool.
(14) This short run accomplished safely, leave the area by entering the unexplored part of this room via the T-junction. On your way out you will find another flame thrower canister and the grenade mentioned earlier.
(15) Drop down to the primary hallway (there may be a revived warrior awaiting you), turn left, and exit. You made it out alive! Ragged, maybe, but alive!


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) This is probably the most appropriately-placed powerup level in the game! You will need as much as you can grab in the scant 45 seconds you are given. You will have to go through numerous walk-through walls, making navigation difficult even when pausing the game and consulting the map. Running straight down the hall lie a seismic charge, 6 derm patches, 2 flame thrower canisters, a shotshell, a clip, and a pulse rifle magazine. There are 3 openings on both the left and right sides of the main corridor here.
(2) The third alcove on your RIGHT leads into a room with a derm patch and smartgun magazine lying within. Run through the left wall of this room for body armor (probably the item at the top of your "WANT" list!), a smartgun magazine and smartgun, and a med kit.
(3) Exit and go through the third alcove on the LEFT side of the corridor to enter 4 interconnected rooms holding a derm patch, 3 flame thrower canisters, a shotshell, a seismic charge, and a clip. Only 2 rooms are visible when you enter; the other 2 lie behind walk-through walls (you can see them on your map).
(4) Continue through the far right wall of the far right room here (as you first enter) for a corridor leading back to the main hallway. Within this corridor you will find a med kit, pulse rifle, flame thrower, 4 derm patches, a seismic charge, and a pulse rifle clip.
(5) When you re-enter the primary corridor here, you may notice another, veiled opening just ahead and on your right (this would be the fifth RIGHT alcove). DO NOT go through here as you will FALL into this corridor and lose 5 health points in spite of your armor! Instead, stay left upon hitting the main hall. In a very small room behind the seventh LEFT alcove rest a grenade (the only one on this level), seismic charge, and pulse rifle magazine.
(6) As you leave this small room behind, across the primary corridor from you and just to your left will be the entrance to the final area of this level (through the eighth RIGHT alcove). Following is the sequence of what you will encounter along this secondary corridor: an alcove on the left (seismic charge and night vision goggles); a small room on the right (derm patch, seismic charge, and pulse rifle magazine); a small room on the left (shotgun, shotshell, seismic charge, and derm patch); a pair of alcoves opposite each other (shotgun and derm patch); and, finally, a second set of paired alcoves (derm patch and pulse rifle magazine). Immediately ahead you will dead-end at the veiled fifth alcove on the RIGHT (there is a shotshell and derm patch here), where you were cautioned earlier not to drop down. You cannot enter the primary corridor from here, although you can see the veiled opening above you. There is not enough time to cover this entire level. The main hindrance to speed here are the ubiquitous walls you need to run through; they make it easy to get lost or turned around, and also make it difficult to anticipate a straight-line path to the next required powerup. Darting in and out of side rooms and alcoves also consumes precious seconds. Decide which powerups you need and what route will get you the most, and then PRACTICE going through this area until you are getting as much as you believe possible. It IS also possible to grab all 17 derm patches here. Check your bootlaces and GO!


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) You will be dealing exclusively with adult dog aliens on this level. In the entrance chamber with you when you start is a pulse rifle magazine. Grab it now because when the entrance door closes behind you there is no reopening it. Move forward, kill 3 adult dogs, and grab the derm patch.
(2) Move clockwise to the next pair of alcoves for another adult dog and 2 flame thrower canisters.
(3) At alcoves 3 are 2 derm patches and the exit doorway, but it's not time to leave just yet! Leave the exit door intact and you will only have to deal with the adult dog that pops up inside only once later on in this level.
(4) The next paired alcoves will be tough. As soon as you approach, you are attacked by a pair of adult dogs; at the same time, a second pair materializes back in alcoves 3 and attacks from behind you. If you back up carefully, you can see the behind-you pair of dogs materialize and can kill them first before activating the ahead-of-you pair. Pulse rifle (or smartgun) them all and move on, but make sure you find the 3 derm patches (1 of them is behind a hidden door in the recess on the right) before leaving the area.
(5) At alcoves 5 there lies a single pulse rifle magazine. You will be coming this way again, so grab it or leave it depending on your ammunition level.
(6) Continue clockwise all the way back to alcoves 1 where you started, obtaining the 2 derm patches lying en route. When you reach the entrance, you will have to eliminate 4 adult dogs (3 of which you previously killed) as well as a newly-materialized pair of adult dogs that attack from behind you in alcoves 8. Move carefully and you may be able to activate the behind-you dogs first and then the "revivors" (depending on where you dropped them earlier), making for a less dire situation.
(7) You will now have to make another full circuit of this level, killing all the revived enemies along with the new ones that were not present the first time around. There will be 1 new adult dog at alcoves 3 (remember to leave the exit door intact for now), and 2 adults each at alcoves 5 and 7 (in addition to any revived enemies). Don't leave behind the pulse rifle magazine in alcoves 5 if you didn't grab it earlier, and make sure you pick up the newly-materialized hypo pack in alcoves 4 and seismic charge in alcoves 6 your second time around.
(8) Keep moving clockwise until you arrive back at the exit door; you will have 1 new enemy here. Now open the door, kill the adult dog alien inside, and make your exit.


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP (PART A and PART B) for this level.

(1) Alas, you will not exit this level with 100% for SECRETS. BACKED BY A THOROUGH FAMILIARITY WITH ALL OTHER SECRET AREAS IN THIS GAME, AND AFTER HOURS AND HOURS SPENT ATTEMPTING TO ACCESS ALL SECRETS ON THIS LEVEL, I HAVE CONCLUDED THAT AN APPARENT BUG IN THE GAME PREVENTS YOU FROM ENTERING THE LAST SECRET AREA HERE. Quite a letdown after coming so far, particularly if you have been doing well at the Mission Assessment screens. Try not to look too disappointed as you enter this level and move forward.
(2) You are in a short corridor that terminates in a lift that drops as soon as you step on it. As this lift descends, you will see a warrior attacking from your left. There are grenades just around the next corner, so use 1 if you are near capacity. Otherwise, the smartgun is a good choice as there are 2 magazines to be had not too far into the level. There is a single med kit in the room you drop down to if you need it.
(3) Now continue ahead until you see a grenade around the next corner. Do not head straight for it or you will never reach it! Instead, sidestep left until you are up against the left corridor wall and advance to the grenade while hugging this wall. Nab the powerup and turn so that you are now facing that left wall. Now sidestep onto the lift (there is a large, tan circle on the wall directly in front of you here). To activate it, dart forward. AS SOON AS THE LIFT STARTS DOWN, run off it--over 4 angry warriors' heads!--and immediately turn 90 degrees left to run down a corridor (you will find a pulse rifle magazine en route). By doing so soon enough, you will go OVER (rather than through) the aliens awaiting you directly below. Once you near the end of the corridor (there is a short ramp here, but do not go down it yet), spin and let them have it with the smartgun. When you have whittled this population down to only 1 or 2 warriors you can switch to a lesser weapon and conserve that smartgun ammunition. Now go after any remaining warriors near the lift area (there were 4 total). Grab the night vision goggles out of a very narrow recess that you may have to sidestep back and forth to get into.
(4) This accomplished, move back to the short slide at the end of the corridor. Walk down it partway to arouse the 3 nearby warriors. As soon as a warrior is "stuck" at the bottom of the slide, back away from the top edge of the slide slightly and dispatch it with the pulse rifle. Repeat until all 3 are dead. You may actually have to run all the way down the slide and back up to rouse the third warrior. Rarely, 1 of the aliens below will actually hop up onto the slide and come after you! Once down the slide, deal first with 2 additional warriors off to your right. Having dispatched them by the method of your choice, locate the pulse rifle magazine, 2 shotshells, and med kit in this area.
(5) Now continue ahead to another slide. You will land in a new room facing a very short corridor directly ahead. Enter this corridor cautiously in an attempt to activate the 2 company synthetics on either side 1 at a time. There are 2 smartgun magazines in this room, so you can utilize this weapon for convenience if it is near full capacity on ammunition. Each synthetic coughs up a seismic charge as he expires. Enemies eliminated, grab the goods in this area: the 2 smartgun magazines, 2 more seismic charges, 3 flame thrower canisters, a med kit, and 2 derm patches (both in very narrow recesses that you may have to "wiggle" into).
(6) There is a lift within the hallway here. It is behind a walk-through wall on your right about a quarter of the way down this corridor (the wall has 4 vertical, gray "stripes" on it). Enter and activate the alien switch. You will go up quite a distance (this is the longest lift in the entire game) and stop at a room filled with 6 derm patches and 2 shotshells. Grab the goods and move carefully out and into the corridor leading out of this room.
(7) See the grenade? See the 9mm pistol? Well, you can't touch 'em! Halfway down this corridor, the floor drops out to deposit you on a long slide. You are now facing the first tough part of this level. Off this slide are 2 secret rooms (1 to the right and 1 to the left), each with a warrior within. Move partway down the slide to activate them, then run all the way down and stay right. You will have to dodge 2 or 3 warriors to end up in a long hallway holding 3 derm patches. As soon as you near the end, STOP (there is another drop-out-from-under-you floor here) and turn with your smartgun to face 8 warriors (assuming they all followed you). Kill them all, ignoring for now the synthetic that may be shooting at you from behind. You can save ammo by switching to the pulse rifle or shotgun once there are only 1 or 2 warriors left. Leave the company synthetic for now.
(8) Time to backtrack to the slide for 3 secret rooms; you may have to kill 1 or 2 residual warriors along the way. The first secret to explore will be at the end of the recess in the immediate right corner (as you face the bottom of the slide). Lob a seismic charge here to expose 2 company synthetics, 1 of which drops a seismic charge as he goes down. Within you will also find another seismic and 2 pulse rifle magazines.
(9) Shuffling your way back up the slide for the 2 secret rooms mentioned earlier, you will find an adrenaline burst and seismic charge on the right, and another seismic charge plus 5 patches and body armor (Yay!) on the left.
(10) Now reverse your route and head back down that corridor to the drop-out floor (but don't miss the 2 med kits in the main room here if you need them). Up to 2 or 3 warriors may have revived here, depending on where you dropped them with the smartgun earlier. Dispatch them and do the same to the synth you left here earlier (he yields a seismic charge when he dies, and if you are lucky it drops close enough to the edge of the drop-out floor for you to grab it). You will lose 5 health points here (nothing to be done about it, unfortunately) when you drop down through this floor. You land in a room with a large central pillar and that is loaded with alien canisters. There are also 3 company synthetics here. Use grenades on them to prevent their revival later on when you return to this area (and don't miss the seismic charge one drops). Now blow all the alien canisters for a total of 7 derm patches. It appears that 2 canisters--the pair on your immediate left when you first drop in--block the unopenable secret area. If you shoot them and then walk up to the wall directly behind them, 2 warriors appear on your motion tracker. You can also see this L-shaped room on the map when you pause the game, but you cannot enter. Throw your controller down, have a fit, and move forward.
(11) The short corridor ahead ends in an acid curtain. Behind it are 4 loose warriors and the remaining rooms of the level. Shoot into it to activate the first pair of warriors and grenade each as it emerges from the curtain--you should have a clean shot as they move down the narrow hall. Now pass through the acid curtain (5 armor points--OUCH!) and face left. Two more warriors will attack; grenade them as well. You now face the toughest part of this level and one of the toughest areas in the entire game. Within this round room are 7 switches. Each opens the door facing it. There are enemies behind every door. There are 2 approaches, depending on the difficulty setting you choose to play:

On EASY or MEDIUM, you should open the doors 1 at a time. You do not have a choice as to which order you open them in. Activate the LIGHTED switch, turn around to explore the now-open room immediately behind you, and then (after killing the enemies and grabbing the goods), activate the next switch that lights up.

HERE IS THE SEQUENCE FOR THE EASY AND MEDIUM DIFFICULTY LEVELS (activate the night vision goggles you found earlier now).

1) Initially, only 1 switch (RED) is lit up. The room behind contains 2 warriors, 2 med kits, and a seismic charge.
2) LIGHT BLUE switch: 5 warriors, 2 derm patches, a 9mm pistol, and a clip.
3) GREEN switch: 3 warriors, 2 shotshells, and night vision goggles (activate the latter when your first pair run out).
4) MEDIUM BLUE switch: 3 warriors, a med kit, and pulse rifle magazine.
5) PURPLE switch: 4 warriors, 2 seismic charges, and 2 pulse rifle magazines.
6) BROWN switch: 5 warriors, 2 shotshells, a grenade, and 2 med kits.
7) DARK BLUE switch: 2 company synthetics guard the exit chamber. Make good your escape!

On HARD, you should open all 7 doors at once and smartgun the horde of warriors that emerges, then deal with the residuals left in each room piecemeal. The reason for this is that if you open the doors one at a time, you will be zigzagging from one end of the central room to the other (as well as going 'way back into the smaller rooms), constantly reawakening warriors. You will be overrun and your ammunition levels upon exiting will be extremely low. To open all 7 doors at once, activate all the switches EXCEPT the RED one that is already lit up. Hit the RED one last and make a beeline for the acid curtain and short hall beyond. This is where you will turn and make your stand with the smartgun to face the emerging wave of enemies. (You might bring a few more enemies out into the open by walking along all the sealed doors just prior to opening them.) Kill everything that comes at you, making sure no warriors get beside or behind you. Once the action slows, you can save smartgun ammo by switching to the pulse rifle and shotgun. All the enemies will be warriors except for a pair of company synthetics. This (major) feat accomplished, re-enter the central room. (True, you lose 10 armor points by going back and forth through that acid curtain, but the alternative is far deadlier!) You are now ready to go room-by-room to eliminate the remaining warriors and grab all the powerups. EXAMINE THE 2 ROOMS ON EITHER SIDE OF THE ACID CURTAIN FIRST, as this will keep you from inadvertently reviving the horde of enemies that were initially loosed when you first opened all the doors. You very likely WILL revive some of the warriors in at least one of these nearest rooms, but their numbers will be far smaller than those of the xenomorph army waiting just outside the acid curtain. The warriors move around too much for a predictable pattern in this area, but the most successful route consistently seems to be to explore the RIGHT room (as you go through the acid curtain and enter the primary room) first and then reverse your route and continue CLOCKWISE to the rest of the rooms. When you complete your circle, you will likely have to re-kill some warriors and possibly both synthetics before making your escape to the exit chamber.

HERE IS THE SEQUENCE FOR THE HARD DIFFICULTY LEVEL (activate the night vision goggles you found earlier now). Remember that the enemies move around too much for any clear pattern. This lists the enemies in each room, but the number actually present in the room (and not killed in the first big rush out the acid curtain) will vary dramatically. The room numbers go clockwise from the acid curtain, and you will explore the 2 rooms nearest the curtain (numbers 7 and 1) first.

1) ROOM 7: 3 warriors, 2 shotshells, and night vision goggles (activate the latter when your first pair run out).
2) ROOM 1: 3 warriors, a med kit, and pulse rifle magazine.
3) ROOM 2: 4 warriors, 2 seismic charges, and 2 pulse rifle magazines.
4) ROOM 3: 2 warriors, 2 med kits, and a seismic charge.
5) ROOM 4: 2 company synthetics and the exit chamber (but don't leave yet!).
6) ROOM 5: 5 warriors, 2 derm patches, a 9mm pistol, and a clip.
7) ROOM 6: (This is where you are most likely to have to kill some revived enemies.) 5 warriors, 2 shotshells, a grenade, and 2 med kits.
8) ROOM 4: Backtrack here to exit (WHEW!).

(12) Since you have already killed each enemy at least once, just make a dash from ROOM 6 to the exit chamber and simply dodge any enemies that may revive. You did it!

ALIENS: 100%.  SECRETS: 75% (???!!! Arghhh!!!).  MISSION: 100%.


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) This sorely-needed level is similar to the previous INORGANICS level, but this time you start at the opposite end. As before, multiple walk-through walls that make it difficult to see where you are going and numerous alcoves and small rooms that you must dart in and out of for powerups will slow you down. Moving straight down the hall you will find 2 clips and 11 derm patches. The first alcove on the LEFT leads to a corridor containing the following: a small alcove on the left (seismic charges); a small room on the right (grenade, seismic charge, derm patch, and shotshell); a derm patch; a small room on the left (grenade, body armor, and shotshell); a pair of small alcoves (a smartgun magazine and pulse rifle magazine); a med kit; and another pair of small alcoves (a flame thrower and a flame thrower canister). You will dead-end at a high wall, and you will not be able to re-enter the primary corridor from here (the fourth alcove on the LEFT). DO NOT drop INTO this corridor from that fourth LEFT alcove because it will cost you 5 health points!
(2) Here's the rest of the level. The first alcove on the RIGHT ends in a small room with a grenade, pulse rifle, and pulse rifle magazine.
(3) The third alcove on the RIGHT leads into a corridor containing: a pair of small alcoves (2 derm patches); a second pair of small alcoves (2 more derm patches); a single derm patch; 4 derm patches clustered around an acid vest; an adrenaline burst; and a smartgun.
(4) You will arrive at 4 interconnected rooms holding a flame thrower canister, a smartgun magazine, a pulse rifle magazine, and a grenade (the left wall of the far left room [as you first enter this quartet] leads you back out into the main corridor at the fifth alcove on the RIGHT).
(5) The sixth alcove on the LEFT leads into a room with a flame thrower canister lying within, but the left wall of this room leads to better treasure: a smartgun magazine, body armor, a pulse rifle, and a thoroughly useless hypo pack.
(6) Both alcoves near the exit doorway lead into small rooms not present in the previous INORGANICS level. The seventh alcove on the RIGHT hides a flame thrower, shotgun, 2 shotshells, a clip, and 3 derm patches.
(7) Behind the eighth alcove on the LEFT rest a derm patch, 2 grenades, a shotshell, and night vision goggles. Once again, decide what you need most and try several routes until you are confident that you are getting as much as you possibly can in those 45 seconds. Note that you will have to be extremely fast and almost perfectly efficient to obtain all 26 derm patches on this level; most gamers will only be able to grab 24 at best.


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) This level will not be as bad as the last PILOT'S CHAMBERS because there are fewer aliens to deal with and you will only have to make 1 full circuit of the level in order to kill them all. When you start, don't miss the flame thrower canister right inside the entrance chamber with you. Move out and grab the shotshell if you need it.
(2) Work clockwise to the next pair of alcoves. Kill the warrior and facehugger here and then turn your attention to the powerups. Grab the med kit and a brace of warriors attacks from behind; approach the shotshell and a single warrior mounts a frontal assault. These vanquished, move forward, dealing with the 2 facehuggers along the way.
(3) Once at alcoves 5 you will kill 2 warriors and 2 facehuggers. The exit chamber is also here and holds a single shotshell, but only someone like, say, Carter Burke would leave this early in the level.
(4) At the next paired alcoves is a single warrior guarding a med kit and shotshell.
(5) Keep moving and eliminate the pair of warriors at alcoves 7. Grab the med kit if you need it, and BACK into the flame thrower canister so you are ready to face the 2 warriors that materialize the instant you touch it.
(6) There is only 1 remaining warrior in the next pair of alcoves--kill it!
(7) Now reverse your route, moving COUNTERCLOCKWISE to the exit at alcove 5 so as to revive the fewest enemies before making good your escape.


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) This is one of the niftier levels of the game, and not very difficult to survive--a welcome relief. Move out of the entrance room and pulse rifle the egg directly ahead. There is a corridor to your right: run up to it, then back up immediately to kill the warrior that suddenly emerges. You have very little room to work with here, so choose either a grenade or the smartgun to avoid taking undue damage while killing this alien in these close quarters (you will find more of each ammo type ahead).
(2) You can now proceed safely into the long, rectangular room ahead. Work your way carefully to the end of this room, killing the 8 eggs en route. The only tricky part is aiming accurately up or down as you go over the ridges here, since they cause you to point first up and then down as you traverse them.
[BUG! A number of eggs on this level do not release a facehugger if they are activated and burst open. They simply collapse as if shot.] About halfway down the room, a single warrior will attack from ahead and to the right. To avoid aiming complications related to the ridges here, you should stand your ground and once again use either a pulse rifle grenade or the smartgun. As you move, you will find 2 derm patches, a pair of shotshells, 2 pulse rifle magazines, and a med kit. Your exit from this room will be blocked by 6 alien canisters; shoot them for as many derm patches.
(3) Carefully enter the corridor ahead, making sure that you immediately dispatch the egg on the right. Continue to the end of this long corridor, watching for 3 more eggs hidden in narrow wall recesses as you go. Two recesses also hold a pulse rifle magazine and a shotshell.
(4) You will encounter 10 eggs in the next room, but the alien you should kill first is the lone facehugger that is directly in front of you across the room as you enter. This facehugger emerges from a smaller room containing body armor and 1 grenade, but don't grab the armor yet just in case you accidentally release a facehugger that causes you damage or in case you take an acid hit from a bursting egg. Work your way carefully here, as it is easy to activate the eggs as you move along. When all eggs have been eliminated, grab the body armor and grenade as well as the other goods here: 2 clips, a shotshell, 2 derm patches, and a pulse rifle magazine (save this last item until after you have pulse rifled the 7 alien canisters blocking your exit; you get 7 derm patches for your trouble). Don't plan on backtracking for the armor or grenade, because the doorway closes behind you as soon as you leave this room.
(5) The next room will be similar, with 12 eggs that need to be destroyed. Pick your way carefully to avoid any unnecessary facehugger encounters! Within this room also lie a smartgun magazine, 2 shotshells, and a clip.
(6) Exit down the narrow corridor to the last part of this relatively easy level. You will be dealing with 8 warriors in this large room. You should grenade each of them (except the very last) in order to avoid their resurrection later on prior to your exit. The first will charge as soon as you turn the corner in the corridor and enter the room. Kill it, stay left, and activate the switch you dead-end at, being careful not to drop down into the egg chambers below. As soon as you trigger this switch, 2 warriors materialize in the corridor you just entered from. Move forward cautiously to activate them 1 at a time and grenade each when it emerges. Now return to this corridor and turn left down the catwalk dividing the 2 egg chamber sections. Stay as close to the exact center of this walkway as possible; when you reach the other end of this dividing walkway, 3 warriors will be waiting--you know how to deal with them. You will hear the sound of lifts rising as you go--you have just raised most of the eggs out of their respective egg chambers and into view. The reason for staying in the center of the walkway is to avoid activating the eggs and releasing their facehuggers; moving quickly but carefully forward without slowing will reduce the number of 'huggers that emerge. Directly ahead will be the still-sealed exit chamber at the end of a short corridor. Turn left past this area, and you will end at a second switch. Activate it and reverse route. As you return to the exit chamber area, 1 warrior emerges from it. Grenade it. Now use the pulse rifle to snipe down at all visible eggs (as well as any 'huggers you may have released from the eggs) from the surrounding walkway. First work your way toward that last switch you just activated, then back in the other direction. You will work your way in a large circle to the other end of the room, dispatching all visible eggs as you move, and ending at the first switch you activated. You are now ready to explore the egg chambers. There are 2 ramps, 1 on either side of the central walkway where you first entered this room, and each leading into 1 of the 2 egg chamber sections. Go down into the right section first, remembering to watch for any loose 'huggers wandering around down here! From left to right, there are 3 rows of egg chambers containing 5, 4, and 2 individual chambers, respectively. In the first row you will find a shotshell; there is also a clip and another shotshell resting on the divider between this and the next row of chambers. When you reach the end of the first row, turn around and enter the next row, heading back toward the ramp. The second chamber here (as you travel back toward the ramp) holds a seismic charge, but the third holds an egg in an unraised egg chamber. You will not be able to shoot the egg before the facehugger within detects your presence and emerges. You should select the flame thrower and drop in, firing as you go. Be careful as the threat of being 'hugged is high! As soon as you drop into this area, the chamber lift will rise; kill the 'hugger and move on. There is a single derm patch resting on the divider between this row of egg chambers and the next row. Make your exit back up the ramp and go down the other ramp into the left section of egg chambers. This has a configuration identical to, though reversed from, the other section: 3 rows containing 5, 4, and 2 egg chambers. At the end of the first row lies a single grenade; there is also a derm patch resting on the divider. As you head back down the second row (toward the ramp) you will find acid boots in the second chamber and a clip on the divider to your right.
(7) When you reach the end of the second row and reverse route to explore the third row, the first egg chamber of the pair here drops you down a long lift to a secret room. Lying here you will find a derm patch, pulse rifle, and shotshell. Activate the switch here and the central column will drop, allowing you access to an adrenaline burst and a smartgun magazine.
(8) Head back to the lift to go up and move toward the ramp to make your exit, being wary of any revived facehuggers along the way. As soon as you reach the bottom of the ramp, a final warrior emerges from the corridor you entered this room through and comes down after you. Use a grenade or the smartgun for a quick kill, then head up the slippery ramp. Make an immediate left, taking you down the central catwalk, and go straight into the exit chamber.
[BUG! If you have trouble achieving 100% for ALIENS at the ASSESSMENT screen--even though you darn well killed everything in the level--allow 1 or 2 eggs to disgorge their contents and kill these facehuggers to top off your score. It appears that if you complete this level without releasing any facehuggers, you will not kill enough aliens for a perfect score!]


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) This will be the last time you need to go 'round and 'round in the PILOT'S CHAMBERS! You will also finally get your look at the space jockey itself. Once again there is a powerup in the entrance chamber with you: grab the shotshell and move out. Kill the 2 chestbursters that mount an immediate assault on you, and then grab the shotshell in the corridor.
(2) Move clockwise and dispatch the 2 adult dog aliens and single chestburster in the next pair of alcoves; you will find a shotshell and flame thrower canister here, too.
(3) At alcoves 3 lie 1 chestburster, 2 adult dogs, 2 derm patches, and another flamer canister.
(4) Continue on to kill the chestburster and adult dog ahead; when you near the 'burster, a facehugger will appear behind you and attack. Directly ahead are another facehugger and chestburster that attack simultaneously. Having survived the onslaught, you will find a derm patch and acid boots in the left recess here.
(5) On your right will be the actual entrance to the pilot's room. Enter, but be prepared to kill any facehuggers or warriors activated by your approach. Move COUNTERCLOCKWISE, killing a total of 4 warriors and 4 facehuggers as you go. As you circle you will also find a shotshell, seismic charge, and med kit. Up on the space jockey's platform, you will get 2 med kits in addition to a really nifty view of the space jockey itself.
(6) Exit the pilot's room when you are done looking around and deal unflinching death to the revived 'huggers, 'bursters, and adult dog waiting outside. On the approach to alcoves 5 will be 2 adult dog aliens guarding a derm patch and med kit.
(7) Be careful of the significant presence at alcoves 6. Here you will have to eliminate 2 adult dogs, 2 warriors, a facehugger, and 2 chestbursters--smartgun time! For your trouble you get a derm patch, pulse rifle magazine, and shotshell.
(8) At the next paired alcoves are a warrior, 2 adult dogs, and a facehugger protecting 2 derm patches and a med kit.
(9) At alcoves 8 you will find body armor, 2 med kits, 2 flamer canisters, a pulse rifle magazine, and the exit chamber.
(10) Don't leave, though, because there are many more aliens to go! In order to get them all, you will have to make another full circuit of the level. There will be 1 new warrior and 1 new facehugger each at the entrance and at alcoves 2, and a single new warrior at alcoves 3. This will be in addition to all the revived enemies you will be dealing with as well. On your second trip around, be sure to re-enter the pilot's room to find a freshly-materialized smartgun magazine inside. As before, you will have a group of revived enemies awaiting your exit of this room.
(11) Now proceed forward and make your final, thankful exit from the PILOT'S CHAMBERS.


Click here for a PRINT-ME WALK-THROUGH or PRINT-ME MAP for this level.

(1) This is it--the last level of the game. Thou hast done well, fellow hiveseeker! This lair is quite different from the last 2 in that there are only 2 powerups resting out in the open--a flame thrower canister and a hypo pack. The rest lie within 3 corridors located near each corner of the level except the corner the queen resides in. [NOTE: More powerups appear in these corridors when they are entered a second or even third time; to make them all appear at once (and on HARD you don't want to do any backtracking), enter the corridor partway, exit, and then enter again. Also, you can follow each of the individual corridors to its end and drop down back into the main room, but there are always freshly-materialized 'huggers nearby. It is much safer to backtrack and go out the way you came in.] Also unlike the previous 2 queens' lairs, all eggs are near the walls of this large room. You won't end up missing 1 out in the middle of the open level. For this reason, you should simply hug the walls (especially on HARD--wander around too much and the number of facehuggers assaulting you at one time can reach biblical proportions). Don't worry about missing any 'huggers by doing this; THEY will find YOU! There are plenty of good powerups to be had, and if you are playing on EASY or MEDIUM difficulty settings you can backtrack to keep your ammunition levels high. There are simply too many 'huggers for the HARD player to enjoy this luxury.
(2) Here's the rundown. As soon as the level starts, select the shotgun. You will be dropping down out of the entrance chamber to the level below, right into a nest of eggs. Shoot the nearest eggs immediately and then deal with several approaching 'huggers. Finish off the rest of the eggs here and move left (sticking near the wall as you go). Just short of the upper left corner (as viewed on the map) is the first corridor. Initially within this corridor are 2 shotshells, a shotgun, a smartgun magazine, and a smartgun. Entering a second time causes a med kit and seismic charge to appear. The queen is not too far away, and you should actually kill her first and then return for the smartgun and ammunition. Once the queen works herself free of the ovipositor, you can run into any of the corridors and snipe at her from the high corridor exit (just make sure you continually back up so that you don't drop down). The minus side of this tactic is that the corridors are too narrow to bypass most of the powerups, so you will have no control as to when you grab them. On the other hand, you can simply stand your ground in the main room and hold the queen at bay with either the smartgun or pulse rifle.
[BUG! Occasionally the queen will get stuck against a wall or in a corner. Stop firing and she won't be able to come after you!]
(3) With all the goods from the first corridor in tow and the queen (long may she live) dead, stay left to the upper right corner (the queen's corner). You should now switch to the pulse rifle or flame thrower, since you will not encounter any more shotgun ammunition on this level. There are 3 eggs to the left of her ovipositor (as you first approach it) and a larger group to the right. In addition to the other facehuggers scuttling about here, there will be 6 more that emerge from the exit chamber on your left. There is also a hypo pack here.
(4) Leave nothing breathing and keep forward. You will encounter more eggs and 'huggers, as well as the second corridor, in the lower right corner of the level (you pass the flame thrower canister mentioned earlier en route). This corridor holds 2 derm patches and body armor; hit it on the way back if your armor levels are currently high. (AFTER you grab the body armor, 2 med kits will materialize in the corridor when you re-enter a third time. This far into the game, your health is probably so high that you can ignore them.)
(5) The final (lower left) corridor initially houses a flame thrower canister, flame thrower, pulse rifle magazine, and pulse rifle. Re-enter and another pulse rifle magazine and a grenade appear.
(6) Time to head for the exit (don't forget the armor and derm patches if you bypassed them a moment ago). Revived huggers will be everywhere. Move very slowly to activate them in small numbers. The flame thrower canister and hypo pack can help you make your way if you did not grab them earlier.

Medals of honor to all involved! Enter the exit chamber and enjoy the final FMV sequence.


I actually found the end puzzling, primarily because not one but TWO spaceships--the dropship with Ripley and Bishop in it PLUS the Narcissus escape craft from the Nostromo--are shown escaping the exploding planet. The dropship carrying Ripley and Bishop makes it safely, apparently, to the Sulaco. The unknown passenger(s) of the Narcissus suffer a less desirable fate!